Hats Are A Great Big Look-At-Me

Men's Hats - Mr. Green Sewn Braid Fedora - The Donovan HatAlthough she says she can’t do hats herself, writer Jess Cartner-Morley admits in her article called Hats: The Way To Do It that “hats are becoming normalized again“, influenced by celebrity style “for once”, she concedes, “a force for good.”

Funny to think that the wearing of hats once signified respectability and due deference to occasion. These days, they mean quite the opposite: hats are for show-offs. To wear a hat on any occasion other than a wedding or at the races is one great big look-at-me. Forget about hiding below the brim; hats make you more visible, not less.

I agree that hats can be worn to make a statement, but isn’t that true of anything? Whatever we wear — from shoes to jackets to pants — I think we all emphasize comfort and good looks. I mean, I’d much rather field a compliment than otherwise, wouldn’t you?

Yes, I think hats are showy. That’s not necessarily the same thing as calling a person who wears hat a show-off. All that being said, I do like showing off my showy hats, but I don’t like to think of myself as a show-off.

Well, I’d better shove off now!

Thanks for reading,
Steve Singer
Showman Extraordinaire
and CEO Hartford York

If you think you could show me up with a showier post, then you’d better subscribe to my blog by email or RSS and study from the master showman.


Hats Take The Pain Away

Men's Jonathan Richard Linen Walking Hat - The Mourne Walker LinenFindings of a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Pain Society in May 2008, confirmed a sort of mind-over-matter approach to pain management: “positive emotional thought of any type will function as a dampening effect on pain“.

However, what’s really interesting (in my books, anyway) is that instead of conjuring up some soothing imagery, you may do better imagining exciting things. This is because “the titillating effects of food and sex“, for example, serve as a better distraction than something more sedate like a pool of water.

Pleasurable response derived from excitement may facilitate the involvement of internal opioid mechanisms to counteract pain,” Dr. Hamid Hekmat, professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. “Excitement absorbs attention and pleasant imagery can induce hypnotic-like states that detracts from pain, improves positive mood and reinforces personal belief in the manageability of pain.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine adjunct professor, Peter Staats, agreeds, saying: “Pain is an emotional response and, as such, can be modified by emotions.”

I happened to have a chance to put the foregoing theory to the test today, after suffering a severe (okay, slight) burn caused by one of those stupid wood-working burn-y tools.

First, I envisaged a chocolate bar the size of Taj Mahal – nothing.

Next, I visualized all sorts of birds and bees having hot sex – confusion reigned, but no relief.

Finally, in desperation, I turned to my sure-fire solace–a mental image of The Mourne Walker Linen Hat — and, sure enough, my degree-less burn was completely forgotten, dismissed as unimportant, as I immersed myself in the perfection that is this made-in-Ireland, silk-lined, natural linen hat, sublimely accented with a small feather.

Hats. My internal opioid.

Thanks for reading,
Steve Singer
CEO Hartford York

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Published in: on August 5, 2008 at 3:20 am  Leave a Comment  